Overseas Medical

What is an Overseas Medical?

Like that described under Visa and Expat medicals, an employer often has specific standards of medical examination and fitness before an employee is assigned to an overseas role.

Overseas Medical


What does an Overseas Worker Medical entail?

Our medical can be tailored around the destination the employee is travelling to and we will be able to provide you with a quote and an appointment on the same day to ensure that your results will be available in time for your departure.

We can provide all laboratory testing necessary, X-rays, Scans, Heart tracing etc.

Although most results will be available within 24 hours certain tests may take 48 hours or more.

What information does an employer obtain following an Overseas Medical?

Following the appointment, the required paperwork will be completed and fit/unfit certificate will be issued in line with the provided consent.

We’re here to help

Please get in touch for more details or to find out how ROC can help your business.

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