Offshore Industry

Offshore Industry - ROC health

ROC offers clinical and management services to clients to help protect the health and wellbeing of their employees wherever they are in the world through offering guidance and support.

Our consistent standards of health management ensure the safe delivery of global operations of our clients. We work with industry-specific organisations and related professionals to help clients face the increasingly complex challenges of the Oil and Gas industry.

Topside Medical Cover to Offshore Industry - ROC Health

ROC Health doctors are highly experienced in providing 24/7 Offshore Topside Emergency Medical Cover.

Whilst in employment, our clinicians fully understand the obligations of the industry under The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (First-Aid) Regulations 1989 and subsequent amendments. They also fully understand procedures surrounding an Integrated Offshore Emergency Response.

All ROC Health doctors on the Topside Medical Advisory team are internally trained in this particular field of work and are continuously mentored by our Topside lead clinician who is an expert in the field.

Topside Medical Cover - ROC health

Highly Experienced Doctors
Our doctors have over 30 years combined work experience in the provision of Topside Medical Cover to the Oil and Gas Industry.

Highly Personal Service
Our simplified model of service delivery means that you always speak to the same people and you have direct access to the people who matter.

Rapid Essential Feedback to the Company
Over the years we have built good relationships and access to local and national hospitals, clinics, and specialists. This enables us to feedback efficiently to the company so that our clients can initiate management procedures early.

Medical Audits

ROC provides auditing of medical facilities present on offshore installations, in line with standards set by current offshore legislation, ROC Topside Manual and Standing Orders and current healthcare regulations

In addition, we can travel and assess medical facilities anywhere else in the world, to support our clients in health risk assessments required prior to any projects, relocations or in response to an incident investigation process.

Offshore Medics - ROC health

As part of a Topside contract, ROC can offer HSE Offshore Medics. All ROC medics undertake our annual appraisal and training programme as well as receiving ongoing supervision and support.

This service is available only to contracted companies as part of a Topside contract.

We’re here to help

Please get in touch for more details or to find out how ROC can help your business.

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