What is a Fit to Work Medical?
Whether you are looking to recruit new personnel or when managing your existing workforce, you have a legal obligation to ensure your employees are fit to carry out their job.

- Some Fit to Work medicals are a legislative requirement whilst others can be a company specific requirement.
- Around three to ten per cent of all new employees will have some form of health concern. ROC Health help to detect such problems during the recruitment process and can advise on compliance with disability provisions in the Equality Act.
What does ROC need to know when an employee attends a Fit to Work Medical?
ROC will require to have a job description for the individual attending the medical to ensure that they are fit to undertake all their required duties.
What does a Fit to Work medical entail?
We tailor a medical questionnaire for your potential employee that is focused on the needs of your workforce. We will also establish a management protocol for your recruitment procedures. A pre-placement medical examination can also be carried out to determine the applicant’s suitability for the post. This could be recommended after reviewing the pre-placement questionnaire or could form a standard part of the employer’s recruitment process.
Will certificates be issued same day?
ROC Health will issue the employer with a fitness for work certificate within two working days of receipt of the questionnaire and make recommendations if the individual is not deemed fit for the role they have applied for. Get in touch!
We’re here to help
Please get in touch for more details or to find out how ROC can help your business.