What is a Lone Worker Medical?
A Lone Worker Medical is a health assessment designed to ensure that employees who work alone are medically fit to do so safely. Lone workers may face increased risks due to the absence of immediate support, making it essential to assess their physical and mental well-being.
What is a Lone Worker?
A lone worker is someone who performs the duties of their job without close supervision of others. As they are isolated, a risk assessment may be required.
Working alone is not in itself against the law and it will often be safe to do so. However, the law requires employers and others to think about and deal with any health and safety risks before people should be allowed to work alone.
What does a Lone Worker Medical entail?
As a minimum the Lone Worker Medical will include a questionnaire and a consultation with a nurse or a doctor.
What information does an employer obtain following a Lone Worker Medical?
Following the appointment, employers will be advised if the individual is fit to undertake their role as a lone worker as well as advising if any emergency equipment and procedures is required. For more information, get in touch.
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