Renewables UK Wind Medicals

What is a Renewables UK Wind Medical?

A Renewables UK Wind Medical is a specialised health assessment designed for individuals working in the wind energy sector, including onshore and offshore wind farms. This medical ensures workers are physically and medically fit to operate in challenging environments, often at heights and in remote locations.

Our assessment follows RenewableUK (RUK) and GWO (Global Wind Organisation) medical fitness standards, including checks on cardiovascular health, lung function, vision, hearing, and musculoskeletal fitness. This helps ensure compliance with industry safety regulations and reduces the risk of health-related incidents in high-risk environments.

Renewables UK Wind Medicals - ROC Health Services


What do I need to know before attending a Renewables UK Wind Medical?

A Renewables Wing medical will consist of:

Completion of Questionnaire

  • Consultation with a doctor inclusive of examination
  • Urinalysis
  • BMI – measurement of height, weight, and calculation of Body Mass Index
  • Visual acuity (near and distance) and visual fields test
  • Pulse and Blood Pressure Measurement
  • Lung Function Test (spirometry)
  • Audiogram (hearing test)
  • Chester Step Test
  • The doctor will also discuss the form you filled in and carry out any additional checks they think necessary.

How soon after the Renewables UK Wind Medical will certificates be available?

Provided that the doctor has all the information required the certificate will be issued on the day.

How long are certificates Valid for?

Certificates are valid for 2 years unless there is a medical reason for a restriction.

We’re here to help

Please get in touch for more details or to find out how ROC can help your business.

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